The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20768   Message #1145065
Posted By: GUEST,Guest, Anne
24-Mar-04 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: Irish Songs for female singers
Subject: RE: Irish Songs for female singers
There are some great American - Irish songs, quite recent,
that you could try. From Tom Russell's album The Man From God Knows Where : "When Irish Girls Grow Up" and "Mary Clare Malloy", and both are sung on this album by guest artist Dolores Keane.
Also The Mollies number   " On We Go" - it's a catchy bouncy tune, even if the topic is a bit violent - old woman drowns her pain of a husband on the way home from the pub.
Steve Earle's "Galway Girl" is a favourite American-Irish number at our folk club when we sing bouncy numbers.
Another tune you might like is "Step It Out Mary." - Irish tune, 1955.
None of these numbers are for delicate voices, they are more robust tunes.