The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13721   Message #114540
Posted By: katlaughing
15-Sep-99 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: Hurricane
Subject: RE: Hurricane
Just copied this from a news story. Sounds as though five seamen could sure use our prayers.

PennyS: there's a little about Eleuthera, too.

A Navy spokesman says helicopters from the USS John F. Kennedy have rescued three crewmen who had been missing when their ocean-going tugboat Gulf Majesty sank in 40-foot seas. The search by the aircraft carrier continues for five others, believed to be aboard a lifeboat.

They had reported they were abandoning ship as the vessel foundered.

As many as 2.5 million people from the Carolinas south through Florida have evacuated.

James Lee Witt, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said personnel and equipment had been deployed in advance of the hurricane, much of it in the Atlanta area, ready to move into stricken areas.

The coast of central Florida was pelted with heavy rain and tropical storm force winds as Floyd passed 110 miles offshore. Although trees were knocked down and hundreds of feet of piers were destroyed, there was nothing like the devastation that had been feared. NASA's space shuttles appeared to have escaped damage.

One person is listed as missing in the Bahamas, but there were no other reports of serious injuries or deaths. The Abacos and Eleuthera took direct hits and damage on those islands is expected to be heavy as assessment teams moved in.

Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism said trees are down and the exteriors of some buildings have been damaged in Nassau, but most of the damage is superficial.

May all the gawds and gawdesses protect you all and bring you safely trhough this.
