The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68178   Message #1145420
Posted By: Rapparee
24-Mar-04 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Building a Flintlock Jaeger
Subject: BS: Building a Flintlock Jaeger
Today I bit the bullet and bought a flintlock Jaeger kit. Yes, I know all of the objections: that it's not "authentic" and so on, but it's what I can afford and even this took some penny-saving.

I want to build it right (and yes, I've built similar kits before, but in percussion) and I really want to carve the stock in the Germanic Jaeger style (and THAT I haven't done before). I'll brown the barrel if it isn't so already, and I'll have a go at tuning the lock.

This is intended to be a longish, patient process, not my usual get-it-together-and-get-it-done sort of thing.

Suggestions would be appreciated, if anyone has any.