The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13721   Message #114581
Posted By: bbelle
15-Sep-99 - 10:41 PM
Thread Name: Hurricane
Subject: RE: Hurricane
Us'n's in Tallahassee received nary a drap of rain or swish of wind. Now ... had it been coming from the Gulf, it would be another matter. I sat in front of my tv last evening watching the mass exodus away from the coast and the stopped traffic on all the major arteries. I have lots of family and friends along the coast from Cocoa Beach, FL to Newport News, VA, with a large concentration on the North Carolina coast, so we've been very worried. A comforting fact, though, is that these folks know what to do in "weather," although a few of them are old seafarers who wouldn't leave their vessels for any storm.

I think Penny mentioned Eleuthera ... that was a hugh concern of mine because I used to live there and there is no protection from hurricanes. I was there during "Donna" and my most vivid recollection is driving from our house to the Navy base and there were thousands of tarantulas blowing across the road.

Art ... have no fear ... big sister is here (and I use the word "big" in a strictly rhetorical sense) and watching over your shoulder. I'm just kidding ... there's no need for anyone to watch over your shoulder. I admittedly over-reacted last time and have questions about where your heart lies.

The rest of you ... who are in the path ... stay safe ... moonchild