The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68183   Message #1145936
Posted By: Chief Chaos
25-Mar-04 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why is gasoline so expensive?
Subject: RE: BS: Why is gasoline so expensive?
I have to agree that it is mostly greed disguised in the old "they're regulating me" sheepskin. I've talked to mariners from the tankships and they have told me that they have been ordered to sit offshore and wait for the oil/gasoline supplies dry up before the owners negotiated a price for their product.

They also seem to shut down the refineries for maintenance during the height of the busiest season.

The specialized gas does't fly with me because they could be producing it in limited quantities over the year to make the quota for the summer.

Sources say that the giant drilling platform "TROLL" will pay for itself in about six years. Compare that with your 30 yr. mortgage.

I don't worry about the prices of the other commodities. I need none of them to get back and forth every day to work. Channel #5? if you're rich I guess you could buy it that way, but like anything else for the rich, it's priced that way to keep the poor from being able to afford it.

By the way, the people of Iraq are paying $.08 per gallon.
Valdez oil is not refined in America either, what makes anyone think that ANWR oil would be?