The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68133   Message #1146301
Posted By: ranger1
25-Mar-04 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your 6 items for a still-life
Subject: RE: BS: Your 6 items for a still-life
Only six? Hmmmm.....
1. Clancy the Wonderdog
2. Henry, the stuffed pooch I've had since I was born
3. The leather journal cover with the celtic knot design that Jason gave me the first Christmas we were together
4. The gold locket my maternal grandma gave me when I graduated high school that her parents gave her when she graduated high school that hangs on a chain that was a christening gift from her great uncle
5. The recording of my paternal grampa being interviewed by a folklore professor, kindly put on CD by my friend Fred
6. A large bookcase full of books
Oops! couldn't stop at six.
7. My seven year old nephew, Austin. The apple of his auntie's eye.

I would have my picture taken on my very first big trail building project in my ranger uniform. Might be kind of hard to lug the bookcase and all the books a mile into the woods, but hey, why not. Clancy could carry some and Austin could carry some... When you dream, dream big I say.