The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68215   Message #1146466
Posted By: Barry Finn
26-Mar-04 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
The Bush administration has been fighting tooth & nail to say as far away from any 9/11 investagations or commissions, why? There's still so much that they won't turn over to the commission or make public without the threat of a court order that it's become a serious problem in it's self. It shows contempt for the victims & their disrespect for the American public, it's this same disrespect shown to us that they've given to the rest of the world. It also brings their honesty (as if it could be any lower than it already is) into question, here & abroad. Dr Rice needs to be dragged into the fray as well as Bush & the VP, the Wolf, asshole Powell, Rums'field & a few others who have all the info the commission would need. A movement to impeach would be perfect timing for Bush's election campain. If he takes any more rope to hang himself he'd have to hang himself from the space shuttle. Never before has there been a more closed mouthed 'Shadow Government' where questioning the powers that be brands one a terrorist, where the freedoms of the press & speech, where our human & civil rights have been trampled upon. These are the same freedoms & rights that Bush wants to infect the rest of the world with? Barry