The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50733   Message #1146538
Posted By: Lanfranc
26-Mar-04 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: Any serious 12 strings players left?
Subject: RE: Any serious 12 strings players left?
I've nearly always had a 12-string in my armoury. The late Colin Scot was the first person I heard playing a decent one - a Gibson B45-12, and that prompted me to buy my first, cheap 12 - a £50 Egmond. It was not very well made and the neck warped within 2 years, but it did have something of the sound of Leadbelly's old Stella.

Over the years I've had Yamahas, a Takamine and a couple of Washburns, but my current Martin DM12 knocks them all into a cocked hat! It cost me about GBP500 and was sold as a factory second, but the only flaw I can find with it is the slightly uneven application of the finish. The sound, action and intonation are spot on, and superior to a D18-12 owned by a friend - his opinion as well as mine.

Another friend, Rick Thomas, owns the very Gibson B45-12 on which the Seekers intro to "I'll never find another you" was played.

I once had the opportunity to buy a Stan Francis 12, but turned it down because I didn't like the feel of the neck. Stupid decision, but there you go.

I covet George (el Greko)'s ability to fingerpick a 12, I still have to content myself with reasonably accurate flatpicking. I use an old Heriba capo, which has a plastic comb arrangement under the latex bar that frets the strings, and doesn't put them out, but I've nearly worn out the latex bit and I suspect that a replacement might be hard to find.

Don't think I'd have a 12 as my only guitar, but wouldn't be without one.
