The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13725   Message #114707
Posted By: MMario
16-Sep-99 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 11
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 11
ahhh, thought I'd wander in and reminisce about the ol' days....back when the Tavern was new, 'bout umpty transdimensional portals ago....what was that bartender's name? wholesome-DK? gruesome-C-Day? somethin' like that. He poured a mean drink though. Wonder what ever happen'd to him? How about a shot of Bailey's for my coffee,here?

I have performed my "evil deed" for the week. Presented a three year old with a tambour as a birthday present. He is delighted, his parents a bit less so, but I DID clear it with them first. And they are VERY grateful I didn't bring over the whistles I had been thinking of....

NIce to see that Floyd hasn't dropped any rain on the B-B-Q grounds out the "safe" door. I was thinking of grilling up a few mahogany clams for lunch.