The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28144   Message #1147472
Posted By: Santa
27-Mar-04 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Waters of Tyne? / Water of Tyne
Subject: RE: The Water of Tyne
Jez is quite clear himself that he is not a Geordie, or at least that his accent isn't Geordie. At least among those who appreciate the distinction.

I wouldn't care to be too precise about definitions myself, but a Geordie comes from around the city of Newcastle on the north bank of the River Tyne, and the town of Gateshead on the south bank.

Jez comes from the South-west Durham coalfield area, and hence would be a pityacker, in the terminology I'm familiar with. (pit = mine, Yacker = talker).

I was born in Newcastle, and brought up in the SW Durham coalfield. I say I'm a Geordie for the ease of it, living amongst all these Southerners in Lancashire. But am I really? Go figure.