The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13742   Message #114790
Posted By: Guy Wolff
16-Sep-99 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: Country of Origin of Soldiers Joy? Midi?
Subject: RE: Country of Orgin of Soldiers Joy?Midi?
I'm always happy to hear the family tree of an old friend ,,It sounds like the kind of tune alot of people have odoped{SP?} for their own!The other day I was talking about putting Soldgers joy on a CD I had done and the reaction was very exsteme.."It's been done so many times!" I think when a peice has such a stronge personal history for anyone it becomes theirs and so completly new...Thats why its still with us and living strong!!!Every time we Adoped a tune it becomes new again...My answer to this young Fiddler was "You've never heard me do it".I don't know if she got what I meant or just thought I was some stange EGOMANIAC..Who knows<<<>>>> Yours guy

PS I just donated 12 of the cd's to max for the Mudcat so ask him for it if you like. All the best..