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Thread #68215   Message #1147955
Posted By: Strick
27-Mar-04 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
Results of the latest Newsweek poll released earlier today (3/27) for people who've been following the 9/11 Commission hearings:

Although exactly half of the American public has paid at least some attention to Clarke's allegations, only a quarter of those who have been following the story say they see Clarke as a selfless public servant. Fifty percent suspect Clarke has some personal or political agenda, while another 25 percent don't know what to make of his accusations. By a margin of 61 percent to 34 percent, Americans feel that, overall, the Bush administration has taken the terror threat seriously. The numbers are the reverse for Bush's predecessor: 65 percent are critical of how seriously they believe the Clinton administration took the threat.

I thought this was interesting because of what it says about Nader's candidacy:

Bush's overall approval rating remain statistically unchanged at 49 percent and in a three-way hypothetical election between Bush, Kerry and independent candidate Ralph Nader, the results were the same as in last week's NEWSWEEK poll: 45 percent for Bush, 43 percent for Kerry and 5 percent for Nader. If Nader is removed from the picture, the race remains a statistical tie, with 48 percent for Kerry, 47 percent for Bush.