The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13725   Message #114839
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Sep-99 - 11:32 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 11
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 11
Hey Group.........Well another day, another drink....Leej, I'm OK now, don't know what got into me......must be these stupid ass doors........Hey though, I gotta' say this one is better than the last.....Give me a Jack there Leej........Damn lamarca, how can you drink anything with Southern Comfort??? Always figured the comfort part caame after I was done throwing up everything but my nuts..sickly tasting, disgusting stuff....Thanks there Leej...Ahhh, yes..NOW THAT is southern comfort!!!!...........Well lemmee see if the door is still working like it was the other day......Okay door, gimmee blank,bland,and vacuous...(FLING!).........YEP..........Man, I love it......Whadda' door.............So let's think now....Tonight..hmm........I think tonight I want something kinda' laid back......yeah, laid back, but kinda' wacky too...don't even matter if all the parts ain't functioning right anymore......just old, weird, cool wacky shit, Okay door?......Here goes...(FLING!)........Well, uh, Yeah.........Can't deny it.....the damn door works like a champ.....I was kinda' thinkin' an old amusement park, but I gotta' say the door DID give me what I asked.........................Beats the livin' hell out of that other stupid ass door...........I like the new deck where the old door used to be too........nice view, nice crick....but those fockin' flamingos are scarin' the hell out of Cleigh....................'nother Jack here Leej............
