The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68297   Message #1148426
Posted By: harvey andrews
28-Mar-04 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: Creativity Loves Misery
Subject: RE: Creativity Loves Misery
No, that's too sweeping a generalisation, but there is a grain of truth in it. Something must be needing to be said, good or bad, angry or gentle, sour or sweet. So in that sense it irritates the imagination until creativity relieves the tension and cures the itch.
However, I find it far more difficult to write a song about being happy, in love, feeling good, etc, that doesn't come out like some gooey confection that embarasses me.It's so hard to avoid cliche.
But the trying is everything to the creation of a work that might be different, that might have found a new way of saying what has been said thousands of times before, because it all has been said before, over and over again.
To refer to another thread "were we ever that young", the young can't have the reference to the body of work we older writers have absorbed
through decades of listening, so they use images and words that to them are fresh and new.To us they're as old as the hills.
Somehow, the minor chords open avenues of lyric still unexplored, whereas the major put you in competition with a century of popular writing, and a century of overused cliches.