The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68302   Message #1148668
Posted By: Bobert
28-Mar-04 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: guitar playin' and CAP'S out fir now....
Subject: RE: BS: guitar playin' and CAP'S out fir now....
you all is some sick folks an' outtta just turn yerselves in to the sick folks department an' accept yer treatments like the rest of 'umz do....specially open mike... you know that lavender don't like that much nitrogen..... heck, if they did i got a couple of useless cats i'd grind up and throw in there...

awww, jus' funnin'... i love them cats...

ahhhh, hmmmmmm.... question mark... i ain't too sure 'bout choppin
off finger tips... 'er gettin' turned over to the prayer chain...'er ....

i mean like i ain't ewver done this much damage ti mysef but, hey, in spite if what you might hear on the street, it was an accident. i weren't tryin' to do myself in 'er nuthin'...... i promise,,
