The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68297   Message #1148713
Posted By: Art Thieme
29-Mar-04 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: Creativity Loves Misery
Subject: RE: Creativity Loves Misery
My mouse just went crazy. Every time I tried to start a new sentence or paragraph here by placing my cursor on the screen and left-clicking the mouse it would blue highlight me entire thing I was wanting to post. And I couldn't get rid of the blue highlight unless I clicked in the space where the name of this thread is printed. So I shut down and re-booted. That seems to've fixed it.

Anyhow, Jerry, if you weren't referring to me, all this is wasted writing. But it's always good to be in touch with you. I have some good/great news to tell you. Someone we know was told by her health care pro that she no longer needs any more ECT treatments for the forseeable future !!! Our efforts have born good fruit. A tremendous relief !

For sure, Love to you and Ruth !
