The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68297   Message #1148812
Posted By: Dave of Mawkin
29-Mar-04 - 05:08 AM
Thread Name: Creativity Loves Misery
Subject: RE: Creativity Loves Misery
Perhaps it is because of creative that people get miserable.Ignorance is bliss and all that? I dont personally believe this, but I do remember reading is somewhere, some artist said it is becuase he has the capability of seeing the truth in the world that he gets sad, whereas the average John Smith (apologises to any John Smith out there) who reads 'The Sun' doesnt care for much as he doesnt see things in the same way.I hope im making sense and not just rambling.
I personally believe that Creativity and Depression are not linked whatsoever as creativity is random, its a chaos phenomenon that happens when it happens, no one really knows why it happens it just does.Isnt that the best bit about being an artist, not knowing why but just being pleased it does?