The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57012   Message #1149077
Posted By: Michael S
29-Mar-04 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: Remixing Lomax
Subject: RE: Remixing Lomax
We discussed this "remixing Lomax" project last year, though none of us had head it yet. Rounder finally released the CD last month--full title is Tangle Eye: Alan Lomax's Southern Journey Remixed.

For those interested, NPR's Weekend Edition did a piece on the project yesterday, including a few partial selections and an interview with producer Scott Billington. At least for a time, you can listen to it by going here. One interesting feature at the web site allows us to listen to a few selections as Lomax recorded them, and then compare them to the Rounder remix.

After scanning last years debate, I'm not sure that anything here will change any minds but--to me--it remains an interesting project.

---Michael S