The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68215   Message #1149230
Posted By: DougR
29-Mar-04 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
Amos: I heard former White House Counsel, Lanny Davis, (Clinton administration)and the former Deputy Attorney General in the first Bush administration being questioned by Wolf Blitzer on CNN this morning. It was the former Deputy Attorney General who made the statement that any member of the administration presenting testimony MUST tell the truth. Both Lanny Davis and former Deputy Attorney General agreed that the separation of powers is an important issue. Davis thought the question was too important to today's events to allow that principle to get in the way of Condi Rice testifying. The DAG did not agree with Lanny.

So what I wrote was not something that I "thought up," I was merely reporting what those who are much more knowledgable than I said.

AS to the difference between testifying under oath or simply testifying, I would assume you are right. But it is conceivable, I believe, that if one was found to have lied, not under oath, they could still be prosecuted.
