The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68215   Message #1149392
Posted By: GUEST,petr
29-Mar-04 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice on National Security?
its also not illegal to knowingly lie.

(in the film "the corporation" two reporters who had been ordered to revise a damaging story on monsanto (mainly because Monsanto had part ownership in the media) - and refused to do it, were even offered
bribes (in writing) to kill the story, were eventually fired. Won their case, and lost it on appeal - since the really didnt have whistlerblower status. The reason: its not illegal to knowingly write a false story in the US. (unless you are under oath).

the dumbest thing they did was attack Clarkes credibility.
Who has the real credibility problem Clarke or the Bush Administration?