The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13736   Message #114955
Posted By: M. Ted (inactive)
17-Sep-99 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: The Face on the Bar-room Floor
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'The Face on the Bar-room Floor'
Excellent! I have put in a request at the Library of Congress for a search for info on D'Arcy and a copyright date on Skelly--

The literary sleuth in me makes me think that this is one of those "Quest for the Grail" type things, where there are a number of items by different authors from the same time period that seem to contain the same source material--which allude to an even older source--

Also, ASCAP credits the song to one Andrew Jenkins, published by Shapiro and Bernstein--no date listed, but I will call them--