The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68352   Message #1150263
Posted By: SueB
30-Mar-04 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rice to testify publicly, under oath
Subject: RE: BS: Rice to testify publicly, under oath
Any one who doesn't think exactly what you think is a gullible consumer of mainstream news? Hmm.

I'm glad some one, especially such a brilliant someone as you, guest, is privy to the Rove/Hughes strategy. And here I thought
young Bush and his cronies were just a transparent bunch of bungling megalomaniacs, kept barely afloat by the power of Big Money with the tacit permission of a public which is one part poorly educated, one part apathetic and one part knee-jerk reactionaries nostalgic for a "simpler, better" time when America was Number One!

(I'm leaving out parts, of course. This would be a good place for a Venn diagram.)

Thank goodness you have come along to show me, anonymously, the error of my ways. It turns out they're not a bunch of bungling megalomaniacs at all, they're actually devilishly smart! Smarter than any one else, except, of course, anonymous you! Who sees through it all, because you're so smart! Please let me know where I can sign up for your course in "Discerning Evil Genius." And please, don't hide your light under a bushel basket, but reveal your true identity, so we may all bask in the glow of your brilliance.