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Thread #68352   Message #1150424
Posted By: GUEST
30-Mar-04 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rice to testify publicly, under oath
Subject: RE: BS: Rice to testify publicly, under oath
I disagree that because we live in "a house divided" as someone up the line claimed, that we can't get at the truth.

What we have seen in the past year, since the US invasion of Iraq, is the truth that was hidden from plain view, is now coming into plain sight. The facts, slowly but surely, have come out about how this administration pulled out all the stops to get the Congress to pay for an invasion of Iraq, when Iraq was the last place we needed to focus our attention, on a long list of neglected priorites.

But where I disagree with Clarke, is that the first priority should have been AlQ. The first priority should have been the nuclear blackmarket run out of Pakistan by our good friend and ally, on behalf of all our sworn enemies.

The second priority should have been Afghanistan.

The third priority, cutting off the head of AlQ's racketeering.

Killing Bin Laden, based upon what we all know now after all the testimony, revelations, and damn lies being exposed in the past year, should have been a bit lower on the list than what Clarke has said it should be. Nukes trump everything.

WMDs are the biggest threat to the national security of the US and to the world. But nobody, not the Clinton administration, not the Bush administration, gives a rats ass about them, because it is the monster we created, and it is a monster that makes a lot of very rich and powwerful men even richer and more powerful.

But nobody talks about that. Nobody batted an eye when the Bush administration unilaterally abrogated our nuclear treaties as soon as he got in office. How come that fact was never brought in the context of the need to find Saddam's WMDs, hmmmmm?

We all know now, we shouldn't have stopped with the invasion of Afghanistan, we should have gone into Pakistan too. Iraq was so far down on the list of threats it boggles the mind to think the mainstream media, the punditocracy, the policy wonks, everybody bought into the Iraq lie. It has to be the biggest of Big Lies that has come down the pipeline in awhile.