The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13784   Message #115128
Posted By: catspaw49
17-Sep-99 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
Subject: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
First to all my fellow 'Catters......This is a game, nothing more than a fun way to renew an old friendship. Mary Elizabeth Colmer posted to the "Gerry Armstrong" thread and rather than mess up a beautiful thread, I am creating this one. When I saw her name, I realized who she must be and posted a couple of cryptic questions to her about her husband Neil.

"Does 'Snoopy' the Elf from Pomeroy you're married to still have the B-25 with the MOP fretboard?"

She came back to check on the thread last night and I decided this was a fun way to re-acquaint with the Elf. You 'Catters are free to post, but don't give my name or any leading picture info, if you get my drift. I'm sure some of you will give some clues as a "payback" to Ol' Spaw...just be careful. I've blue clickyed this for her.


This is just a game...I', not a stalker or anything weird.....well, then again, this group will tell you I am kinda' strange........Anyway....I am not him, but did you know your husband once roomed with a guy who slept with his eyes open?
