The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68352   Message #1151632
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
01-Apr-04 - 02:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rice to testify publicly, under oath
Subject: RE: BS: Rice to testify publicly, under oath
"Kean said he saw no need to place Bush under oath. "We're happy just to have him talk to us," he told CBS Wednesday."

that is pathetic. "just happy to have him talk to us"...the guy who was president on the day of 9/11, who signed the order to create the commission after intense public pressure, who should be the most informed person in the country on terroism activities after months of daily briefings with the CIA director and have lots of information that would be helpful to their mission. and first, he won't testify, next, he'll testify for only one hour and with only two members of the comission, next, he'll forego the time limit but no oath and VP cheney has to sit with him and make sure he doesn't blow any of his answers. oh, and if he consents to this then no other white house people can be questioned. wouldn't want anyone to contradict anything he might say.

i just don't understand why anybody who cares about their country can accept this kind of obvious stonewalling in the face of the event that "changed everything". what do these people have to hide? its a nonpartisan group, 5 dems, 5 repubs, and a director handpicked by bush's people. can any bush supporter explain why fearless leader refuses to do his patriotic duty? what logical reason can there be besides they've something important to keep hidden from the american people?

oh, dougR, you've got my name now. what about that documented lie?