The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68289   Message #1152060
Posted By: GUEST,Brien
01-Apr-04 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: Review: Dylan Live 1964 Released
Subject: RE: Review: Dylan Live 1964 Released
I think I only HAVE about 3 bootleg records - some bar I worked at back in 1977 (egad!) had this guy comes in one time with some records and I think I bought the Dylan and some Jeff Beck and Yardbirds.

I am sure glad to see this document released - Dylan is FUNNY - he talks about it being Hallowe'en and him wearing his Bob Dylan mask I think.

Moreover it truly is a document of the TIME- the Talking John Birch Society Blues (hilarious) is a song I used to play (right from the tape recording of that recording) as an example of the times back when I taught American history - believe me some students couldn't conceive of this sort of thing - McCarthy, Alger Hiss, Red Baiting, House Committee on UnAmerican Activities etc. Which is of course why it was part of the course!!
(There's Commies under my bed!)

Sadly I suspect in the Age of Bush post 9/11 this might not seem so unfamiliar, again.

Bring back Bob to sing us songs of the time of Bush Junior, Cheny and Ashcroft. The time it is again a'changing!