The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68414   Message #1152154
Posted By: harvey andrews
01-Apr-04 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: R.I.P. Recorded Music
Subject: RE: R.I.P. Recorded Music
I'm with Arnie. The article says "For these albums each increase of 150 downloads corresponded to another legitimate album sale"
Thus 150 people get somebody's work for nothing for one album bought. Why is it the people who don't make a living from music always defend music theft? All they have to do is apply the figures to whatever trade they are in.
Let's say Arkie runs a restaurant, would he like 150 customers getting his food for free so he can sell one meal? Or maybe he sells newspapers,or petrol or...anything.
If you make your living by selling, theft is theft.
It's the principle. All we ask is fair trade. Hundreds of respected artists today gamble by self-financing and selling their own work.