The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68417   Message #1152157
Posted By: open mike
01-Apr-04 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Great-Aunt Tillie Of All BS Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Great-Aunt Tillie Of All BS Threads
Tillie is what the neighbors all called Matilda, and she sure could waltz! Sometimes on a bright breezy spring day you could see her,
clothepins clenced between her teeth twirling away form the clothes
line for a little spin, intoxicated by the scent of the lilac bush.
In her arms was the t-shirt with the bottom seam sewn shut and a
slit down the front which she kept on a hanger to hold the clothes
pegs. It was the only dancing partner she had any more, she had out lived all the others...but, oh those memories were quite alive today!