The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68414   Message #1152266
Posted By: GUEST,Arkie
01-Apr-04 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: R.I.P. Recorded Music
Subject: RE: R.I.P. Recorded Music
There are those who focus on the worst possible scenario and those who focus on the best. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle. In the music industry there are at least three general areas: the mass produced and promoted recordings; smaller independent companies with limited production and promotion; and those who issue self produced recordings. Costs and profit levels will certainly vary for each one. And a general statement about what is a fair price will not apply to each group. What I challenge is the concept that anyone who shares music over the internet is a thief. The internet has opened the door for anyone who has music worth hearing to be heard. If a performer's music is heard by a million people, the sales of their recordings will be far greater that if they are heard by 35 people. While there are without any question people downloading music who have not intention of buying, those people have always been with us, and always will be. On the other hand there are also many for whom music is an important aspect of their lives and they are the best potential customers one can expect to find. I would suspect that if one is having trouble selling their CDs there is no one downloading them either.