The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68414   Message #1152404
Posted By: GUEST,Obie
01-Apr-04 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: R.I.P. Recorded Music
Subject: RE: R.I.P. Recorded Music
   What you say would be admirable if it were only true, but the facts differ. Most internet piracy is not of the work of the poor starving singer/songwriter. It is the stuff produced by the big name companies
who are making billions of dollars by overcharging for a product, often exploiting the producers of the music for whom you express concern. They use their muscle and legal departments to increase their bottom line at the expense of both the artist and the fan of the music. They charge the fan dollars and they pay the artist in pennies. The writer of the material often gets nothing because their copyright is being ignored or has been stolen. That is not to say that it is not honourable to refuse to steal from thieves, but it is hard to soar like an eagle while flying with turkeys!