The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13784   Message #115265
Posted By: bbc
18-Sep-99 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
One thing I'll always remember about catspaw is his memory. My best contribution to the mythology is that he "has a memory like an elephant & isn't afraid to use it." That translates to--never say anything to him that you don't want to find on the front page of your local gossip rag in the future (or on a Mudcat thread). He is completely shameless (& fun). Now, really, 'paw, who has talked more about David & dating--you or me? And am I really as namby-pamby, nicey-nice as you portrayed me on the "Mudcat version"?

