The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68324   Message #1152988
Posted By: Chief Chaos
02-Apr-04 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Abdication of parental responsibility
Subject: RE: BS: Abdication of parental responsibility
"And incidentally, "a recent survey" showed that most of the teenagers who "go wrong" were smacked by their parents when they were growing up." - your quote, not mine.

You're the one that brought that up and an analysis of the statement would lead any intelligent person to the conclusion that the reason that these children went "wrong" is because they were "smacked". This is the hypothesis that you postulated in your post. And yes it is an argument because you are now trying to back up your position by attacking my reposte. I mean nothing personal by this, I don't know you, but the above statement, without evidence to support the conclusions and without the corollary proving that the "smacking" is the determining factor between "going wrong" and "going right"(whatever that means).

"promote my voice against the fact that most parents still smack their children"

Do most parents still smack their children?

I don't want to sound like some others who post here and ask where you found that and what the actual numbers are, but that's a pretty broad brush there. And if your first statement and second statement are factual then their should be very few "children who have gone right".

"The rest of your post is more of the same tedious stuff trotted out by those who want to perpetuate something which is at best useless and at worst, wholly wrong."

I see that your mind is already closed on this subject where at least I am willing to point out the other side that there are good people who have been "smacked" and there are bad people who have never been "smacked". If you can provide me with concrete scientific evidence which supports your statements then I have been going about things entirely the wrong way and have some serious apologizing and thinking to do.

You feel and think that "smacking" (without defining the term) children is the major factor in them "going wrong". I beg to differ, without animosity, that getting a child's attention with a smack on the bum when they are doing something wrong can be (not "is" or "always is") instrumental in setting that child right. It is not the end of the lesson. It must be followed through with an explanation of why they got "smacked" and what the results could be if they continue their behavior.

Pain is the body's major defense and learning tool. Just try to hold your hand on a hot burner and see if the pain doesn't teach you anything.