The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68320   Message #1153582
Posted By: ALEX_
03-Apr-04 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: Job for Accordionist
Subject: RE: Job for Accordionist
Foolestroupe, thank you, I already began to read threads about an accordion on Mudcat, though it turns out at me not so quickly as I want. The idea of meeting in the internet is very interesting, I have a microphone and speakers, but I do not know what is Paltalk. And I see another problem - I afraid, the my colloquial English is much worse of my writing, and scarcely I will be able clear to express the thoughts in the circle of professionals of English. Anyway, I with pleasure would take part in such meeting, even if as a passive listener!

Robomatic, a bayan is Russian name of button accordion. A bayan conducts the history from the ancient relative - Garmoshka, simplest type of bayan, small size and limited range. On a bayan you can play the music of different genres and directions , but I consider best of all sounds on bayan folk music , such as "Zorka alaya" which you heard, and so on. Modern bayans have registres as on an accordion and free-bass system in a left keyboard, which allows to play a polyphonic music, modern and etc. In Russia professional accordionists also have free-bass on the accordions, I played exactly on such accordion during a study in a college and in a conservatory.