The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68417   Message #1154312
Posted By: Rapparee
04-Apr-04 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Great-Aunt Tillie Of All BS Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Great-Aunt Tillie Of All BS Threads
Mr. McSwiggins,

Were you aught but an uneducated common lout, an ordinary drunken layabout, a low-life with no greater expectations than the end of a manure fork and the next glass of the swill you call ale, I would happily discuss this matter with you. Since I see that your Anglochauvinism precludes rational discussion of history, I will simply point out, in words that even YOU can understand,

We won. You lost. Live with it.

As for the Idaho Legion, I invite you to visit with them and discuss your opinions with, perhaps, Jim Tinybird. Jim's family learnt scalping from the British and have never given it up -- they also feel a bit betrayed by their "Mother Across The Sea" and I'm certain that he'd like to discuss that with you as well. Or with Dainty (we don't know his real name, and out here you don't ask); he crimps blasting caps with his teeth. Or Spike, and why she's called that you don't want to know.   

And before you start off on your time at El Alamein, let me point out that Monty didn't attack until he had an overwhelming superiority in American-made tanks and other equipment.