The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68484   Message #1154599
Posted By: George Papavgeris
05-Apr-04 - 03:30 AM
Thread Name: Smoking at Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: Smoking at Folk Clubs
Aahh, the annual smoking thread...nice to see the old stalwarts still dusting up the old arguments and trotting them out for the yearly exercise!

A reluctant smoker of 35 years, I am trying to give up again, and I think I am close to it - one final push should do it. But irrespective of that, I would not smoke in a club, and I would prefer clubs to be non-smoking venues.

Why? Well, folks, the world has moved on, and we all know better now. These are not the 60's or 70's. Whether the dangers of secondary smoking are proven or not, is immaterial. I would not even want to risk having someone on my conscience. Plus, a smoke-free atmosphere is certainly better for performers and audience - try belting out the choruses of a few shanties in a smoky den, and see how your throat feels in the morning.

But more than that - I would not do it, just for the annoyance factor. It clearly does annoy/affect some people - more perhaps than are prepared to complain - and so, out of consideration alone:

Let's just not do it in the clubs.