The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68324   Message #1154987
Posted By: Chief Chaos
05-Apr-04 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Abdication of parental responsibility
Subject: RE: BS: Abdication of parental responsibility
That's the problem with time out nowadays.
Send them to a room full of video games, their own TV, their own phone, their own computer, etc. etc.
It really didn't work all that well for me and all I had was a great imagination. If that wasn't working it was always a great nap time. Fully rested and ready to get into more mischief.

I'm sory to take such a contrary position on something like this as I really like kids and I have seen a few where discipline was well out of hand. But I have seen others that could have used a good kick in the ass that were "little angels" in thier mothers eyes that could be denied nothing and held accountable for nothing. Sometimes ignorance is worse than "violence".

My mother in law keeps telling my wife that she wishes she had never "laid a hand" on her while she was growing up. She never did so with my brother in law. My wife is the proud parent of two children, works in stained glass, neither smokes nor drinks and has never been in trouble with the law outside of a speeding ticket. My brother in law smokes, drinks, does weed, has excessive speeding tickets (quality and quantity there), nearly blew his face off with a home made explosive device, and had a friend killed while performing a chinese fire drill in his jeep (while the jeep was rolled over and the friend who was driving snapped his neck).

So I'm drawing on my personal experience in these cases instead of relying on someone else to tell me how to be a parent.