The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68324   Message #1155257
Posted By: freda underhill
05-Apr-04 - 07:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Abdication of parental responsibility
Subject: RE: BS: Abdication of parental responsibility
well, while we're onto this subject, what about looking at the whole way a parent relates to a child? (apart from the physical punishment bit)

I'm thinking here of a woman i know who constantly told her children how naughty they were all the time. You guessed it, the kids became the most naughty, mischievous, wicked kids you could come across, revelling in their role.

We can easily destroy a child's self belief, confidence, goodness, by contantly demolishing them, comparing them negatively with someone else, telling them how useless they are etc.

What is so important is spending positive time with kids, making sure they are busy, developing themselves, engaged, following their talents and interests. And if they get that chance, they will be learning how to spend their time contructively, how to do things, how to amuse and develop themselves. and there wont be such a need to nag, whinge or slap, to pull them into line or modify their behaviour.

I'm not suggesting the sort of starry eyed "you're wonderful" response to a kid whose singing and is tone deaf. I'm talking about practical interests, and encouraging them with the things they like.

And humour, another way of getting a message through to kids. Dry jokes, irony, making a point. They get the message!