The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68521   Message #1155696
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Apr-04 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs do not exist!
"Buffaloed"? It's a good expression. It may have derived from the way that bison themselves became very confused when shot from a distance by long range guns. They were "buffaloed", and tended to stand around in confusion, not sure which way to proceed. This allowed buffalo hunters to shoot hundreds of them down in a liesurely fashion...for money. It was typical of this idiotic profit-driven civilization we live in. I think it's the people here who are the "weirdos", rushing around on their jetskis and snowmobiles in a useless fashion and ruining the tranquility of nature.

- LH