The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68521   Message #1155738
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
06-Apr-04 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs do not exist!
The notion of UFO's doesn't necessarily rattle the cage of a scientist. Imagine the fame and glory that would come to the first scientist to offer actual physical proof of extraterrestrial life (let alone visitation of us by it). While there certainly are professional scoffers, a true scientist would require physical evidence that UFOs have actually visited Earth. Think about forensics for a moment - it is virtually impossible to enter a room spend any amount of time there, and exit without leaving some physical evidence - a hair, a fiber, a fingerprint.... Although extraterrestrials have been "reported", "viewed", even reportedly interacted with, the physical evidence is still lacking. Believe me I'd love to see it. I am convinced we are not alone in the universe. I hope that I live to see the physical proof of life beyond earth. But, we sure don't have it yet.