The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67948   Message #1155849
Posted By: John MacKenzie
06-Apr-04 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!
Subject: RE: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!
I wasn't wrong, but then again I wasn't right either!
Cyrillic Script
Cyrillic alphabet shares the same roots as Latin does: both are derived from Greek script. However, Latin evolved fron Greek historically, while Cyrillic was invented. This alphabet was named after the Greek monk Constantine (also called Saint Cyrill) who in 862 AD came with his brother, St. Methodius, to Moravia to spread Christianity and teach Slavs "in their own language."
Until the end of 17th century Cyrillic style used in most written and printed communications was POLU-USTAV, a distant relative of Western medieval scripts. In early 18 century by Peter the Great, the reform-minded emperor of Russia, was introduced a simplified, latinized version of the alphabet. The character shapes of the new style, called GRAZHDANSKY SHRIFT, or 'civil type,' were based on the forms of late 17th century Dutch faces, so the new font had Western-style punctuation, lower case letters and Arabic figures.