The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68438   Message #1156147
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Apr-04 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Killing Animals
Subject: RE: BS: Killing Animals
The very idea of a dumb folksinger is a contradiction in terms. You must vocalize in order to sing. :-)

You have mouthed the corporate ethic in a nutshell, Gunboy. While destroying anything natural, the vital thing is to do it as CHEAPLY as possible. And that's why your job is being exported to China or the Phillipines or Mexico! :-) Have fun flipping burgers at Burger King.

"If you're going to eat anything, it's going to be dead." NOT TRUE!!! You can easily eat small live fish and other small live animals or insects, and plants and fruits that are technically still alive at the time you eat them. You even get more chi (life force) out of them by so doing. The reason most people don't eat live animals is because they're too squeamish (the people, I mean). They don't mind the killing as long as it's done by someone else where they can't see it happening. Denial, denial, denial. It goes like that with war too..."let someone else do it".

Very few of today's consumers would eat meat if they were required to kill the animal and butcher it...but if they lived in a survival mode out in nature for a bit they would soon learn how to deal with that, and then their meat would be honestly earned and consumed, probably with a far greater measure of respect.

The motto of present North American society is this: "Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death"

In the long run you die anyway, but do you do it with dignity? It's not easy when your life has been little but self-indulgence, conspicuous consumption, and denial.

- LH