The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68573 Message #1156510
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
07-Apr-04 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: Folk Rush in Where Mudcat Fears To Go
Subject: RE: Folk Rush in Where Mudcat Fears To Go
It's simple, really. For convenience's sake, let's say a guy is playing Greensleeves.
1. If the guy is wearing tails and a white bow tie, and if his instrument cost more than $1000, then it is classical music.
2. If the guy is wearing jeans and flannels shirt and playing a guitar (now matter how expensive), then it is folk music.
3. If the guy is:
wearing bizarre clothes gurgling the phlegm in his throat doing his best to extirpate the melody drowned out by the drummer while the bass player plays the tonic and fifth