The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68406   Message #1156736
Posted By: Betsy
07-Apr-04 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: Dear Mike Harding
Subject: RE: Dear Mike Harding
Thankyou GUESTs,JOHN OF ELSIE`S BAND and Earthling for your positive answers re David Bowie .
Does it not truly show the value of this Forum ???. I'm sure I'll have been to the Club as I used to scour the area looking for Folk Clubs to give my limited talents an airing.
In the context of the Thread - another name to reel off in addition to the others who have come throughthe Folk "Mill" although I must confess I'm not fond or (perhaps understand) his music.
I could say the same about Leonard Cohen and have another bunch of people disagreeing with me - was he Folk ?.
To Guest(above), its to easy to be selective and choose the Song "Day trip Bangor" what do you imagine the Pop World thought about Chirpie Chirpie cheep cheep or Birdie song etc.- We've all got our crosses to bear , but how come you have designated this a Folk song in the first place - it's simply your perception.
You have omitted the Dubliners and Spinners from your write up - and if Julie Felix was a Folkie - how come she only (seemed) to know One song - "Daddy's taking us to the Zoo tomorrow". Arrggghhhh!! The Yetties had their place in it all , and remember, when these people were doing their "bit" there wasn't the varity of songs ,music and musicians available the that there are today- they hadn't been properly uncovered / discovered and writers hadn't come to the fore.
Besides that's part of what folkies liked THEN.
Re:-Dick Gaughan - I suspect he would be much more generous than you suppose and see other sides to the song ,and, as Diz Dizley used to say - "It may be sh*te - but it's British sh*te" which is a humourous balanced thing to say.
As for Capitalism in Folk music - it's always been there.
Folkies are not ALL as squeaky clean Socialist, pure-minded , anti - materialistic as you would like to think.
A Folk Club HAS to make a profit otherwise the next time a Guest shows up the Organiser has to pay the balance out of his arse pocket -or short change the guest
Witness in any "Folk" song book you've ever picked up, see Song Title look for the Writer and then the Arranger. The arranger of a Song attracts Royalties in the same way as the Writer of the Song (and Music) and I don't know anyone in Folk music who hasn't written a song and not got it suitably protected in this manner.
Have your strong views and opinions and share them with us - we'll always listen ( but not necessarily agree) but also sift through all the sh*ite that's talked about our music otherwise you'll start believing in exactitudes - and we know it's just a hotch potch of music types which suit all,- some of the time, and, some.........
That's the idea - you're getting into the swing of it !!.
Good Luck,