The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68521   Message #1156884
Posted By: Donuel
07-Apr-04 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs do not exist!
I devoted 20+ years to the research of these UFO phenomena.
Whenever I could I went to the source of the most famous investigators, sites and a myriad of witnesses.
I have my opinions of many of the people in the field and hold only a handful of them in high esteem. The misuse and even abandonment of scientific procedure is rampant and a few charcters that hold themselves out as experts I hold beneath contempt.
I used to guest on UFO radio broadcasts and offer clinical hypnosis sessions to numerous witnesses free of charge.

Where do I stand after all these experiences? I have no proof of entities. I accept the reality of several modes of unidentified craft.
I know more about the subject than the great pioneer Allen Hynek (honored by Speilberg's Close Encounters) but have no more tangible proof than he did.

Like Dr. Mack of Harvard I found there are critics who will condemn even listening to witness' stories. I never had a witness like Walton who had extraneous factors that lent credibility to their experience.
So I am of the belief that all abduction cases I interviewed were caused by a hypnogogic paralysis that is very common among children and very rare but not immpossible for adults.

What I do have however is a conviction that the human mind has a primitive capacity to operate in a 4 dimensional pre cognitive capicity. I also have had the priviledge to see as well as hear a most unusual craft within 50 meters. The sound of the enormous Ufo was audible to the ear as well as a deep conduction of electrical sound within my skeleton.

I have been able to replicate the throbbing sound as well as paint photo quality depictions of several of these cosmic events.

I would conclude that the exploration of this phenomena has been worth all the time I devoted to it. It was all at my own expense without any economic profit although a book may someday be forthcoming.