The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68614   Message #1156972
Posted By: Peace
07-Apr-04 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq = Bush's Vietnam?
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq = Bush's Vietnam?
The similarity that the Vietnam War shares with the Iraq War is that the military has had its hands tied by civilians and their agendas. (I am aware that the military is ultimately under civilian control.) However, in neither war were the objectives made clear. Good men and women will pay the price in blood.

The American military, which is certainly amongst the 'best' the world has, could go and do its job if

1) it knew ecactly what the job was
2) the job was do-able

The problem is these bastards with their hidden agendas. The top bastard is the Chief Executive and his friends. You people have a responsibility to yourselves, your troops and your world to vote him out. ASAP.