The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68634   Message #1157337
Posted By: George Papavgeris
08-Apr-04 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: (UK) Which are the clubs to go to, then?
Subject: (UK) Which are the clubs to go to, then?
Recently there has been a resurgence of threads discussing the pros and cons of smoking in clubs, the "clickiness" of some clubs, the "too much introvertedness" of others etc. Lots of useful info, hints and tips there. So - how about making a "best of" list of clubs, the ones to go to if you want a good night, free from smoke, with friendly atmosphere, participatory or at least attentive audience, good singers/players etc? I propose to create such a list and put it on my website for advice to others.

So please let me have your nominations. The club or session you nominate MUST
- be smoke free
- be friendly/not exlusive
- have good singing/playing and/or good guests
- be worth travelling to visit

For each nomination:

a)Please state if it is a club or a session.
b)I will also record the (mudcat) names of those who have recommended it.
c)Please provide venue details also, as they are not all easy to find on the Internet.
d)State frequency and day of the week
e)Finally, state the reason why you think that club is worth visiting

I am not trying to make an all-inclusive list of clubs/sessions here, it is the GOOD ones I want, that I can recommend even to non-folkies. I will endeavour to visit as many of them as I can in the coming months, and as I do so I will record my own perceptions also.

I know I am putting myself forward as an arbitrary judge in doing this, but hey, why would anyone else be better? I will certainly do my best to be impartial. But it's time to name (the good ones) and shame (the ones that don't make it into the list, though I will not keep a record of them). And why not - let the latter improve, and let the former thrive...

Such a list would certainly be very useful for visiting 'catters from abroad, for young'uns looking for an introduction, etc etc.

So - hit me with your nominations!