The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68521   Message #1157704
Posted By: Bill D
08-Apr-04 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs do not exist!
'ol Bill found that just fine, Amos-- I didn't know Randi had that on his pages, but I'm not surprised. I am old enuf to have read about weeping statues many times (and images on watertanks, too!)...They are no more amazing than vegetables shaped like rabbits, or faces appearing in wood grain. (Boy, do I see a lot of THOSE!)

"He loves that approach!!" ...well, 'loves' may be a bit extreme. Randi is the extreme other end of the scale from those who make fantastic claims, and it's always interesting to see some of the claims put to the test.

"It all depends on whose Ox is being gored." as the old saying goes.