The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68420   Message #1157721
Posted By: dianavan
08-Apr-04 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: Bob Dylan for Victoria's Secret
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan for Victoria's Secret
Pedro - I don't care if a man is young or old, when he leers he is creepy. Would you like it if a man leered at you?

To the rest of you - I like Dylan's music too. Its part of my life and will always be part of my collection. I've never idolized the guy but thought he would have better things to do than appear in a t.v. ad. Makes me wonder why he thinks, after all these years, he has to advertise at all. He has a pretty loyal following and you'd think that he, of all people, would want his music to stand on his own. Why the cheap tricks?