The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68614   Message #1157796
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
09-Apr-04 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq = Bush's Vietnam?
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq = Bush's Vietnam?
Two questions:-

Bill - "no other American life would be lost there nor would an American kill another Iraqi, perfect". So presumably the fact that America would be responsible for starting The Mother Of All Civil Wars in which thousands of Iraqis would kill one another isn't of concern to you?

Everyone else - serious question - regarding the question of whether the USA is at war or not, isn't that something that the UN makes judgment on? Seem to remember something being said on a TV programme recently about military actions being recognised/not recognised by the UN as official wars, and that the UN does indeed recognise GW2 as an 'official' war. Might just be me being thick - anyone else know anything about it?

Johnny :0)