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Thread #68614   Message #1157829
Posted By: Amos
09-Apr-04 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq = Bush's Vietnam?
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq = Bush's Vietnam?

Any nation has the right to declare itself at war anytime, against any other nation.

Now, if no--one pays any attention, then there's a different problem -- the old "What if they gave a War and nobody came?" proposition.

Unfortunately, GWB saw fit to declare war against a practice. Understandable, but extremely risky from the perspective of a Consititutional Republic, IMO -- if the practice is found in all countries in one or another form, including his own.

So now we have native residents fighting courageously for their own self determination using guerilla tactics, against an invading and occupying force wanting to impose their form of government. And the Heroes of Liberty are on the invading side of the equation.

Ain't that a mess, though??

I wonder how big a mess it would get to be if we did pull out of there -- let them duke it out among themselves and form up their own version of madness-as-government. Couldn't be too much worse than Bush's version.

See, the problem is that the locals are very accustomed to power as right -- they have been trampled for centuries by one or another force and the notion of a balanced and checked government, forwarding the people's interests because that is what it is there to do, is almost unthinkable to them. At least over here it is thinkable, if not acheivable.